Cranberry Orange Challah
Cranberry Orange challah Bread is tasty are the flakiest soft pull apart or dinner rolls you would ever make. It is filled with flavors, and it makes the flavor delicious. Enjoy it whenever you crave a delicious roll or swirl of bread
Bread Swirls Soft and Tasty
Bread swirls soft and tasty are the flakiest soft pull apart or dinner rolls you would ever make. It is filled with flavors, and it makes the flavor delicious. Enjoy it whenever you crave a delicious roll or swirl of bread
Passover Dinner Rolls
These Passover dinner rolls are the flakiest soft pull apart Passover dinner rolls you would ever make. It is filled with flavors, and it makes the flavor delicious. Enjoy it whenever you crave a delicious roll during the Passover.
Sweet Potato Tortilla
sometimes something easy like Tortilla can become a delicious Tortilla if you add a little flavor to it such as sweet potato. it is easy to make and so good, try it with cream cheese.
Chocolate Challah
Chocolate challah is very unique and delicious, we make it often and serve it as a dessert as well. Chocolate challah is wonderful for parties and morning coffee or tea.
Gluten free Tahini Bread
Tahini bread is a great option for every gluten free person. It is so easy to make and taste great. Use it as a gluten free toast and enjoy it with every topping possible. use raw Tahini paste only, do not use roasted Tahini seeds.

Challah Dinner Rolls for Shabbat
whenever I think of shabbat, I think of the special shabbat bread that my Ima made for us, it was a small round bread with sesame seeds sprinkled on top, the shabbat challah dinner roll bread is easy and delicious.
Purim Sephardic Savory Bread
whenever I think of Purim, I remember the special Purim bread that my Ima made for us, it was a small round bread with a hardboiled egg in the center of it, the Ourim bread is flavored with anis, cinnamon and she added raisins, or dates to sweeten it.
Goat Cheese & Garlic Shavuot Challa
This Shavuot goat cheese & challah is the flakiest soft pull apart challah you would ever make. It is filled with garlic and cheese, and it makes the flavor delicious and creamy. Enjoy it whenever you crave an epic challah for a dairy shabbat meal or for the holiday of Shavuot to commemorate the dairy celebration for the land of milk and honey.
Spinach cheese Shavuot Pull apart challah.
This Shavuot challah is the flakiest soft pull apart challah you would ever make. It is filled with spinach and cheese, and it makes the flavor delicious and creamy. Enjoy it whenever you crave an epic challah for a dairy shabbat meal or for the holiday of Shavuot to commemorate the dairy celebration for the land of milk and honey.
Thanksgiving pumpkin dinner rolls
Thanksgiving pumpkin dinner rolls are a great way to add flavor to regular dinner rolls.

Mini challah Shabbat & Holidays
A small challah for each guest is a great way to serve for a sit down dinner. This spiral shape challah is so easy to make and is served beautiful at the dinner table, sepharduc flavors recipes

Jewish Bread Rosh Hashanah/Tu Bishvat Dry fruits Recipe